How to fix the error “The link you followed has expired”  in WordPress

How to fix the error “The link you followed has expired”  in WordPress. Read these four simple ways by which you will fix your problem.

Sometimes you think about what’s wrong you had done, when you see “the link you followed has expired” while installing a new theme, document, or plugin on WordPress.

The reason for this problem could be the size of the file. Because WordPress hosting companies have the configuration that manages till what size you are allowed to transfer or upload files, and the file you are sending now might be different from that configuration provided b your host.

To check the maximum size limit you can upload or what hosting plan is providing you. You have to log in to your admin dashboard>Media >Add new


Another reason for this error could be scripts running too long. Or maximum execution time has been exceeded on the website.

How you can get rid of this error!

There are many methods through which you can solve this. A few of them are listed below

Before trying these methods, do make sure you got the backup done of the entire important database.

First Method

By increasing the size limit of the file of your functions.php file

This is an amazing method through which you can increase the size, it is easy too, but its drawback is that it will come to its original state every time whenever you will change its theme. That’s why I will recommend you to let go of this method if you change or update your theme often.

To apply this method, the process is:

  • First go to root directory > wp_content> themes
  • Now you have to open the functions.php file
  • And then add the following code:


You have to change the values in upload_max_size and post_max_size and with that don’t forget to change the max_execution_time (in seconds) in which you think your fill will be uploaded.

Now save it and after you get modified code tries to install your theme, plugin, etc.

Second method

In this, you can increase the upload limit in the .htaccess file

If you don’t want to try the first method or not updating the theme then you can just edit the .htaccess code.  To access this you have to login through server cPanel or FTP client app like FileZilla.

To make modifications in cPanel, you have to follow certain instructions given below

  • First type in your website.Com/cPanel
  • Then log in by entering your username and password
  • Now Click File Manager


Then go to file manager, where you will get the public.Html folder, then open the .htaccess file and edit it.

Now just copy the code provided here and pastes it at the bottom.


According to your requirements edit the values and save the changes

Third method

You can create a php.ini file

Most probably there will be a php.ini file by default in the public_html folder provided by your host.

Or you have to create one if you are using a shared hosting service, you can create it by opening a Notepad and copy-pasting this code over there and save it by naming it php.ini and select “all files”.


You just need to save the file into php.ini and select All Files.


Upload the file as follows:

  • Going to the public_html folder
  • uploading the php.ini file you created.

This method will fix the error and increase the upload size limit to 64MB.

Fourth method

Now the last method which we are describing here is to contact your host if the above-mentioned method doesn’t work.  Then the host will increase the limit.

For those who are using shared hosting accounts, there are chances that your provider has set a limit lower than the size of theme or plugin you are updating, if they will increase the size limit, then you will be able to have your theme and plugins.

Writing By:- Kirti
Kirty is a blogging addict and a staff writer for

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